
Access your email

Capture and organize your notes across devices

Chat-based team workspace

Stores, access, and share your files in one place

Project & Task Management

Data Collection Via Surveys & Quizzes

Social Networking for Mount Sinai

Video Storage & Management

Create Automated Workflows between apps and services to sync files, get notifications, collect data, etc.

Cloud-based Task Management

Track Productivity Analysis

Build custom business apps that connect to business data

Digital canvas for effective meetings and engaging learning

Digital storytelling for creating interactive reports, presentations, etc.

Collaborate with faculty and staff to share policies, procedures, and calendars

Create, share, and track lists with anyone

Design professional presentation

Use calculation, graphing tools, pivot tables, etc. for data analytics

Word processing and document creation

Share and manage content

Full support is available for Word, Excel, PowerPoint, Teams, SharePoint, OneDrive, and Outlook.